Battlefield 3 Bleeding Eyes Tip: Try A Low-Contrast Setting

I have recently begun playing Battlefield 3, my wife bought it for Father’s Day, which is in November here in Finland. I played the single player first (yes, I finished it). Half way through the first session of playing, my eyes really began to hurt. By the end of the 2-hour session, my head hurt and I wanted to gouge my eyes out in the hopes that maybe that will make me feel better.

The next day, while my eyes were still sore from the night before, I did some research and I found that a lot of people were having the same problems I was. The answer came down to Battlefield 3’s contrast is really high. Check out these comparison shots here – courtesy of Battlefield 3 Online.

While you are able to make some change within the games config files, I read a lot of comments saying that did not help and, someday, maybe you might get a boot off of a server via Punkbuster. Fortunately, my Benq e2200HD monitor has settings where I can change – via the buttons on the side of my monitor – the “mode” of the display from “movie” to “picture” and so on. I changed the mode setting from “movie” to “sRGB”. Since then, I have been playing hours of BF3 with no headache whatsoever. If you do not have any mode settings, try manually lowering the contrast. Monitors usually have at least this feature.

I hope this works for you.

About gopha

Gopha is a web programmer, techie and heir to several Nigerian fortunes. In his spare time he likes to game, spend time with his wife, daughters and dogs. He eats [far too much], watches TV and lift weights. He also like to take moonlit walks on the beach and sing songs next to a roaring campfire, in a white sweater with his acoustic guitar. View all posts by gopha

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